
Civilization, currently referred to the state of a group of people not being savage, cruel or inhuman. [it directly relates to being human in behaviour] We now describe a civilization by comparing it to when people stopped behaving like savages and started living in a society with its rules and norms for the betterment of all the people in the group. As the humans progressed in the world and became more and more social and civil [polite], and as we are progressing in this state, many people are developing backwards too.

Some [in context, [too many]] people are showing their barbaric nature these days. Harassments, rapes, murders and other cruel incidents are not new but, they are hitting out eyes and ears very often. We might associate these things with the development of communication systems, but in my opinion these incidents [previously] didn't see the light of the day [were buried] for the sake of seeming civilized. Thankfully, we ourselves can mediate an incident to a huge mass because of the social media and hence, we are seeing the true nature of these people. We can safely assume that we live in a society where there are very many uncivilized people than we currently suspect there are.

"Power" a vague word, representing status, richness, strength, authority, connections, prestige, heritage and a lot of things has become the biggest cause of the barbaric nature of people. Discrimination as always been the issue, because we have differences, we also have freedom, but the imbalance of power causes it more than regular human [uncontrollable] differences. Entitled people who think they are above anything [anyone] mostly want their position to be the same and don't want people growing, going against them. This makes them feel powerful and hence misusing this power they try to get away with uncivilized things. How do you think corruption increases? And the more corruption there is, the more hiding of crimes will happen [because, yes! Nobody wants to seem uncivilized].

Corruption, meaning to decay [to rot], or as we know today by the act of misusing the power for the good of oneself [preserving one's civilness] hiding from the law, has become the main cause for the increase in barbaric nature of people. If the whole system is corrupt the whole society has to adapt to it, and if the society adapts to a corrupt system, people don't see the law as law but, a list of what to hide and what to show to look civil.

Reputation plays a vital role in a society to make and break people. To be a reputed person, the person needs to become civil as well as powerful, and to lose reputation losing one of those two traits is enough. Social humiliation is the worst nightmare of people, and they will do anything to not let it happen. But in an uncivilized corrupt society reputation can be bought with enough power [or money]. And hence, no matter how civilized a society, a city, a country may seem; no matter how proud they seem, no matter how rich they seem, if they are corrupt they will never be a civilization. And as long as the people in power are corrupt, the people who are actually civil will never get justice.

Realization for corrupt people requires extremes [extreme conditions]. They don't relate to the pain that others are facing. To realize they need someone close to them to go through the same pain or someone to 'die' and for people to assure them that that shouldn't have happened. I don't think these people realize that justice can never be served to a dead person. From hiding crimes to letting them happen, the reputed but, corrupt people of our society have always gotten away with these things. And people can never be safe nor feel safe under a corrupt system which fakes its barbaric nature with a cloak of civilization.

[Why did I write this?]

[Because, I live in a such a country which neighbors another such country.]

[Nobody is safe here, and justice for our people is just a myth.]



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