
Expert is someone who has made all the mistakes there is to make in a particular field. I forgot who said this but it made so much sense. We wish to be experts , we wish to know everything there is to know about something that interests us, but we humans are lazy animals. We are evolutionarily lazy. We try to conserve our energy and only use it when we absolutely need it.

This might have been a survival strategy for out ansistors, they had to search day and night for food travelling long distances,so they developed a brain to conserve energy to use when it is necessary for survival, like running away from a preditor [idk.. maybe swimming through the rivers] or collecting food from trees or hunting.

In today's world we dont have to do any of those things. We are safe in our houses, we get food from the market and eat, we use the means of transportation to travel. [We can even fly without losing any energy.] Just to live, we dont have to do much. [not, as much] So, the only important thing for us is to use our brain to learn things hoping to make or discover or invent new things from the informaton we have gained [probably, something to make our life more easier].

But, the problem comes here; thinking and learning weren't the survival strategies we evloved with. But, in this age those are the most important skills to have, but our brain doesn't give them much importance. [I think that's what's wrong with me too.] The ability to control our mind [sounds preposterous, right? controlling the very thing that controls us.] is the most important survival strategy and it is very difficult because we aren't evolved with that.

I can't just say that only evolution affects lazyness, because, the other thing is the environment we grow up in [the modern world]. The brain develops learning things from this environment, the rights and wrongs, the goods and bads and the grays and everything else. [adaptaiton is the other main player in this, not just evolution] [I mean, it's like evolution but hapenning very fast.] And I believe that we all should learn to control our own minds, to focus on something [anything] from a younger age [we should be taught to do that].

To not give up and to keep making mistakes is the survival strategy.

[PS: It was Niels Bohr, the great Danish physicist, who said]

An expert is a person who has found out by his own painful experience all the mistakes that one can make in a very narrow field.



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