The thing about hate is that it lasts as long as the person wants it to last. I have learned to hate things [I wasn't like this before] and the more you think about it the more hateful stuff you notice.
Take microsoft windows for instance, I haven't even used it nicely [yeah I am a linux guy] but I know so many points [reasons] to hate it, and once I made my mind saying I hated it, I found more and more things to hate it even more.
Like love, hate is also a strong word. And it is Heavy. Like love, hate also loses
it's meaning if used too often and too many times. [I have used "too" here, don't say that it doesn't,
too much of anything is bad.] And that is why I want the things I hate to be small and meaningful
[It's kinda like unblocking some people on <your social media here>
because the blocklist is getting crowded.]
[What do you mean you've never done it?] .
Along with hating, forgiving is essential too. And letting people know what they have done wrong to deserve hatred is one of the best things that can be done [Also one of the toughest things though]. So, the life [As in, something with life ends faster than something with half-life.] of hate is as long as you want it to be and so is the life of love. [But we are talking about hate, here.]
Though I am talking about hate and love here, it isn't really binary. You can have a bit of both in something like, I love NixOS [It's a linux distro.] but I hate it because it sometimes makes a simple things complicated. [I mean, it'll be doable.] [But, at what cost?] [Time!]
Enough of this talking, I have work to do. Lastly, learning to hate is essential, because it has a purpose and like love. [I am feeling] [cringe] [while writing "love" but not "hate", ohhh me.]
[Love a little hate a little more. XD]
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