Love is Fear

If Friday the thirteenth is considered scary to be spent alone, I guess February the thirteenth would be the version 2.0 of it. [Well if you feel lonely that is.] Let's come to the seriousness of the topic. [Sike! did you think I'd be serious about it?] But, maybe I'll be. I am just starting to write this [Breaking the forth wall?]. I had thought of writing about this topic a while ago today, but I put it on note to self and now that I'm trying to write about it, I can't think much. I mean, the thing is,

Like form follows function, love follows fear. [Fear determines the trajectory of love.]

In the first phases, when you feel the things, you are in constant fear, do they even like you. Saying [showing*, actually] the love you feel, you're in fear, will they even consider you? Dating [doing things together], do they even like the way you do things? Final phase [?] do they even think that you are for them? Yeah, all of these if YOU are in love.

The thing is it's not easy to know if someone with you actually loves you.` [For me personally, the verbal expression of love, makes it more and more suspicious if they actually don't.] I mean maybe it's only me who feels like this but, not being able to know if someone actually does love you is a pain.

I hope tomorrow will be as regular as it can get. These thoughts have just been amplified by the fact that it's the "scary" February the thirteenth.

[Well, I don't feel anything this valentine, it's a normal day without a meaning for me while it was different in the before years.]




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