Modern logos and design rely heavily on simplification of everything. This site being one of the examples. I do like a minimalistic design. But when it comes to uniqueness and personality of something, things turn a different way. The more minimal we go the more general and bland it gets. It'll lack the [personality] of it to show it's difference from others. While a maximalist approach would include tiniest of details to make it more unique and personal than ever, a minimal design would take some very clever tricks to achieve uniqueness.
This site is directly inspired by manu's site but I wanted to add my own touch to it as he also has given to it. I wouldn't say his site lacks personality because I loved the design and the minimalistic approach of his site that I wanted one for myself too. But, to make my site more personal and unique in itself I added a handwriting style text for my inner voice [inner voice... [inner voice...]] for the things I think while writing.
Similarly, I designed my main logo which is an "s" but made completely of straight lines. [Which I am very proud of and I talk about it whenever I get the chance to.]
[Yes! I put the color changing script in a markdown file.]
But, thinking about personality, I sometimes wish that apples were rainbow colored and the window glasses were tinted with colors.
[A colorful place for colorful minds.]
But, [("but" strikes back)] I love a good minimalist approach of things. I like the new mozilla logo. I like the fact how the new Pepsi's logo look and yes I do love GNOME's foot. [(Wouldn't call it a fetish though. XD)]
[Because they have their quirks and their own personalities.]
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